I wish you peace and all good things. Holy Week is coming soon. Let us be mindful of the ways Jesus challenged the corrupt use of political power and spiritual power. His words and deeds, his suffering, and his death showed us how to defeat violence and oppression. As we approach the Easter solemnity, let us follow the way of Jesus and practice a politics of resurrection.
Please save the dates of
Monday, April 2, when we have our next monthly meeting.
Sunday, April 22, when we hold our coffee table.
Saturday, April 28, a day of recollection on JPIC and evangelization at the Church of Saint John the Baptist.
Here is a short update on activities and projects.
Care for Creation
Our study group is going deeper into the encyclical on ecology by Pope Francis. Registration for the class is now closed. But we invite your feedback on the direction we should take as a working group. We want to practice ecological conversion as a parish, not only as individuals. Look for Catholic ecological resources at the coffee table on April 22, which is Earth Day!
Homelessness and Housing
Come out this spring for our days of street outreach. Join us on Saturday, March 24, at 10 a.m. for a walk around Inwood’s streets. We will listen to the homeless people we meet and learn what they need. On Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m., we will walk through Inwood and give out sandwiches, clothing, and other basic necessities to the homeless. The next working group meeting is Wednesday, March 28, 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Contact Alba Fresco, amfresco@gmail.com.
We held our housing advocacy event on March 11. Fourteen people attended. We thank Marc Greenberg of the Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing for his presentation at San Damiano. We will support the Right to Counsel rollout and seek its extension to Inwood as soon as possible. We will support ways to build and maintain affordable housing for people with special needs. We will also support community transitional residences for people displaced from their neighborhoods.
We are looking for volunteers to start a working group. We pray for the work of the New Sanctuary Coalition, which fights the deportation of hundreds of immigrants, and Ravi Ragbir, its executive director. We continue to pray for Amanda Morales and her three children who live in Washington Heights at a sanctuary church, Holyrood Episcopal Church. A few people have made visits in small groups. If you are interested in making a pastoral visit to Amanda and her children, please contact Brother Anthony.
Rezoning and Library
Please attend the community rally on the Inwood rezoning plan. It will be on Monday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. at Isabella Geriatric Center on 515 Audubon Ave. The next evening, March 20, Community Board 12 votes on the rezoning plan. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. at 505 West 218th Street (Campbell Sports Complex). Only 100 persons will be admitted to meeting. Thanks to all who are leading community efforts to preserve affordable housing in Inwood.
The rezoning working group has formed and met on March 11. It will educate and mobilize the parish at key moments of the rezoning review process. Please join! Contact Graham Ciraulo, gciraulo86@gmail.com.
Day of Recollection
Last October we held a social justice retreat to bring our JPIC ministry to birth. We welcomed parishioners from Holy Cross-Saint John the Baptist, the Capuchin parish in Midtown. I have been asked to give a day of recollection on April 28 at Church of St. John the Baptist on social justice and evangelization and the gifts God gives us to work for justice. You are invited to join me. Please let me know if you would like to participate.
Our mission and vision are becoming clear. The work is taking form. Let us have the courage and wisdom to follow Jesus and imitate his example for the healing transformation of our city and world.