Greetings in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. There is much work to be done to make peace in our world. “If you want peace, work for justice,” said Pope Saint Paul VI. This is what we do as disciples of Christ.
And there is much we are doing, praise God. We want you and the parish to know all about these good works. Tune in to the Good Shepherd JPIC podcast, “Our Common Home,” debuting soon at and on YouTube.
Please save the dates of
Monday, Jan. 7, our next monthly meeting.
Saturday, Jan. 12, our homeless outreach.
Thursday, Jan. 24, a celebration of Altagracia Faith and Justice Works.
Sunday, Jan. 27, a presentation on homeless ministry and spirituality.
Wednesday, Jan. 30, a recycling training by GrowNYC.
Here are brief updates on activities and projects. For full updates, join the working groups.
Care for Creation
The working group meets Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. at San Damiano. Newcomers welcome. Come to the recycling training on Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at the school. We are moving forward with projects to promote ecological conversion, parish action, and policy advocacy. We will hold an ecology fair on Saturday, April 13. We want to reduce plastic use at the parish and school, recycle more, and re-use more. We will educate children and adults for ecological conversion. We will demand better protections by the government.
The working group meets on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Join us for our street outreachat 1 p.m.on Jan. 12.And come to the presentation on homeless ministry and spirituality at 2 p.m. on Jan. 27. We welcome Fr. Louis-Marie Leonelli, CFR, of St. Anthony Shelter for Renewal in the Bronx. A conversation will follow his presentation. Come to this presentation and discussion and be inspired to walk closer with Jesus who lives among those who go without housing.
The Capuchin friars are reaching out to refugee families in Westchester. We are working with Catholic Charities’ refugee resettlement office. Catholic Charities is looking for clothing items, store gift cards, and transportation fare cards for needy families. Please contact Brother Anthony for more details.
We continue to fight for tenant rights and affordable housing. We will hold more tenant rights workshops and trainings. We want to see tenant associations in every building and a neighborhood association of tenants. And we will lobby for real rent reform. Contact Graham Ciraulo,, to get involved.
Save the date of Jan. 24, 7 p.m., Good Shepherd School, when we celebrate the mission of Altagracia Faith and Justice Works. Altagracia has supported our JPIC ministry and organized the social justice ministries at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, St. Elizabeth, and St. Jude. Show your support, both material and spiritual, for grass-roots organizing of Catholic communities who proclaim the kingdom of God through social transformation.
Finally, please bring food and drink to our next plenary meeting at 7 p.m. on Jan. 7. Volunteers are needed to take notes, keep time, and facilitate the meeting.
Christmas has not ended. It has only begun! The living God is with us. Bring good news to the poor and make our city and world a better place.