Praised be God, who brings peace and a holy fire to the world through Jesus Christ the liberator. Let us be disciples who proclaim the kingdom of God through acts of social transformation.
Please save the dates of
Thursday, Nov. 1, a tenant rights seminar.
Monday, Nov. 5, our next monthly meeting.
Wednesday, Dec. 5, a benefit for Altagracia Faith and Justice Works.
Here are brief updates on activities and projects. For full updates, join the working groups.
Care for Creation
The working group meets tonight, Thursday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. at San Damiano. Newcomers welcome. Sign up today for the Oct. 27 care for creation conference sponsored by Catholic Charities. (See flyer.) Building on the Sept. 27 prayer service we will begin projects to promote ecological conversion, parish action, and policy advocacy. We will hold an ecology fair next spring. We want to reduce plastic use at the parish and school, recycle more, and re-use more. We will educate children and adults for ecological conversion. We will demand better protections by the government.
The working group meets on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. in the Choir Room. Join us for our autumn street outreachon November 10 and December 8. We will meet at 10 a.m. on the Isham Street church entrance. We will walk in a group around Inwood and Washington Heights to listen to our homeless neighbors. On December 8 we will also deliver tote bags with sandwiches, water, healthy snacks, winter clothing items, and other necessities. Also: Join our project to share the stories of homeless persons, and the facts about homelessness, with our parish.
We are looking for volunteers to organize this group. From accompaniment to ICE or immigration court, to visiting the sanctuary churches, to supporting family reunification, to helping refugees, there is much work to do. Please contact Brother Anthony if you feel called to be a driver of parish action.
Come to our next tenant rights training on Nov. 1. A number of parishioners came to the first seminar on Oct. 2 with former Housing Court Judge Jay Dankberg. They will begin to organize tenant associations in their apartment buildings. The next training will be given by the Metropolitan Council on Housing and Northern Manhattan Is Not for Sale. We want to see tenant associations in every building and a neighborhood association of tenants. Contact Graham Ciraulo,, to get involved.
Save the date of Dec. 5, when we host a benefit for Altagracia Faith and Justice Works, which is implanting social justice ministries in our cluster of Catholic communities. Come to Good Shepherd School’s auditorium to celebrate the ways Christ is using his disciples to bring justice into the world.
Finally, please bring food and drink to our next plenary meeting on Nov. 5. Volunteers are needed to take notes, keep time, and facilitate the meeting.