I wish you peace and everything good. My heart overflows with gratitude for the presence of our Catholic community in the movements that build up our neighborhood and bind the wounds of sin and oppression. The rent laws teach-in strengthened our resolve to nurture and protect safe, secure housing for all. The 400 Years of Inequality observances affirmed our witness against white supremacy and our determination to build a more just community for posterity. The Open Program’s performance of “Home” shows us through the dramatic arts what that community looks like. With our faith in the power of the risen Christ, we can build a better world now.
Please save the dates of
Monday, Nov. 4, our monthly meeting.
Sunday, Nov. 24, a community interfaith Thanksgiving celebration and meal.
Here are brief updates on activities and projects. For full updates, join the working groups.
Care for Creation
Thanks to all who joined us for our Prayer for the Earth on the feast of St. Francis. The working group meets Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory front office. Newcomers welcome. As we look to 2020, we aim to organize an interfaith forum to share best practices for care for creation by our local congregations. We will also prepare for our next annual ecology fair, the Go Green Fair. Contact: Janet Kraus, janetkraus2@gmail.com.
The working group meets on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. in the rectory conference room. Join us for our street outreachon Saturday, Nov. 23. On both Saturdays, our outreach team will meet at 10 a.m. outside the Isham Street entrance of the church. This Wednesday, we will brainstorm events to raise awareness of homelessness. We will continue building solidarity with and support of our parish women’s shelter, Good Shepherd Shelter. Let us love our neighbors who live on the streets with the justice and charity of Jesus Christ. Contact: Alba Fresco, amfresco@gmail.com.
We are looking for volunteers to organize this group. From accompaniment to ICE or immigration court, to visiting the sanctuary churches, to supporting family reunification, to helping refugees, there is much work to do. Please contact Brother Anthony if you feel called to be a driver of parish action.
Thanks to all who attended the rent laws teach-in on Oct. 7 at Washington Heights Academy. The work of reaching out to our tenant neighbors has only begun. Help us build our working group and get tenant associations organized in our neighborhood. Contact Graham Ciraulo,
gciraulo86@gmail.com, to get involved.
Don’t forget to join us for our events: our monthly street outreach; the interfaith Thanksgiving on Nov. 24; and much more.
As we look to the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, the JPIC ministry will renew its mission through prayer and recollection. We will renew our communications strategy and make our ministry more visible. We will clarify who we are and what we do and why.