I wish you peace and everything good on the feast of the Assumption. I have returned from Bolivia after six months of language and cultural immersion. I hope you have followed my blog,
fromabrother.blogspot.com! It is my intention to have a forum in the future to describe the Bolivian journey and offer some reflections.
Now, I look forward very much to picking up the work of our justice, peace, and integrity of creation ministry. I have followed all the actions and events and gatherings you have done. My heart is full of gratitude for your work to transform the structures of sin through the Gospel.
I wish to extend special thanks to Alba Fresco, Graham Ciraulo, and Janet Kraus for managing the activities of JPIC in my absence. Their leadership fills me with pride.
But let me quickly follow up to add that they have not done the works of Christ alone. Friends, you are the hands of Jesus Christ, who continues to re-arrange a fallen world. You are the heart of Jesus Christ, breaking for the homeless, the immigrant, the tenant, and the earth. You are the mind of Jesus Christ, seeing the world as it is and judging what it needs to become. Let us work together daily for the coming of the kingdom that is not of this world.